Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Eliza King: The Pressing In

 Artist: Eliza King  
Eliza King is a singer-songwriter and worship leader from Brisbane, Austr

Album: The Pressing In 

Genre: Devotional Salon/Intimate Worship  
(sublime feminine vocal served on a soft bed of piano and restrain
ed instrumentation)

Release: March 1, 2024
Produced by Brett Shaw

*** New Discovery ***

I find in exploring streaming services that Eliza has put out half-a-dozen songs over several years, however this is considered her first fully produced album, and stands out for its glorious production.


Five Stones:

Lovely, nourishing, understated, intimate, scriptural

I discovered “The Pressing In” tooling about Bandcamp recommendations. I am so glad I did, as I sense this album will quickly cimb to the level of a staple, as it nourishes my inner sanctum and ear.

I almost feel badly speaking of “Pressing” as a musical product, lest my analysis deflect from its nourishing beauty.

The first thing to strike me was Eliza's voice… not for any diva-like characteristics, but rather for its pure, simple loveliness.  It is, by quality, rather like fellow Aussie Tenielle Neda,  though I did not know when I first heard Eliza, that she was in fact an Aussie.  Funny how music seems to drive accents into a subliminal space!.  (For other quick comparisons, consider  Sarah Groves, Skye Peterson,  or, from the world of Indie folk, Markéta Irglová,)

Perhaps what distinguishes “Pressing” from works of  more traditional Praise is its deliciously underrated production, built on soft, subdued, piano.  I do not know the technical term, but it sounds like her producer put ribbons in the piano wires to dampen the sound, giving prominence to Eliza's voice.  Other embellishments, be they guitar, chamber orchestra, or percussive ambience flow underneath like a gentle brook.

Beyond any attribute of sound or production, Pressing stands out to me for its edifying spirit, scriptural pivot, and Godward focus.  These are not “testimony” songs… about God, or even invitations to corporate worship--they are a woman alone before God, in the inner chamber,  like a Bride before her Groom.  It is, in some odd sense, an invitation for me to put on my bridal gown and sing, like Solomon's wife, directly to my beloved.

To purchase and listen:   The Pressing In  - On Bandcamp

Note: In addition to the full length album, Eliza has shared an even leaner offering an EP of live, piano only version of several of the songs: 
The Pressing In - Piano Sessions

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