Thursday, April 4, 2019

Kelly Willard and Rene Stamps


For lovers of Jesus-Music veteran Kelly Willard, known for the sheer loveliness of her voice, pure femininity, and depth of 80s expression, consider this unusual pairing.

Twang and the Swan.

Should Kelly or her musical partner Rene Stamps read this, I pray they bear with me.

When I first watched the following video and heard Rene’s voice, I thought. "OH  OH my."

That’s kind of shrill. And twangy. Rene has out-nosed the likes of Iris DeMent.

As for the pairing. Make that trio-ing:

Tis acquired taste bliss.

Kelly’s contribution is understated, but the aging loveliness of Kelly’s voice, in combination with the mountain home quirk of Rene Stamp and the male dude, take me right back to a place that I have only been to in my mind: The sanctified holler, Holy Ghost in the thicket, whiteboard church of blood-washed saints.

This is peculiar on the ears and I like it.

Thank you Jesus for inspiring such diverse artistry.


To any do not know why this pairing is peculiar, you can hear the old Kelly here: